Saturday, June 23, 2012

                As I've mentioned before, hiking is by no means my only passion. For the past four to five years, climbing has completely consumed my life. There is something about the sense of satisfaction, looking at a huge obstacle, and realizing that i can overcome it.
               The Following were taken at Samss Throne in Newton County Arkansas.

Fun bit of info about the Throne; Sam Davis was a man(obviously) who lived in the late 1800's that moved to the Mt. Judea area. He and his family originally lived in the surrounding hills. As the story goes, Sams son was killed by a gang of moonshiners, and thus drove the man to the brink of insanity. Because of this tragic event in his life, Sam started to preach to the valley that lies underneath what is considered the "Throne"(its actually a butte type rock formation). Looking down into the valley these days, there are only a few farms to be seen... so mental illness had to play a part in his justification of his actions. Regardless of his intent, Sam spent the remainder of his years scouring the hills around this location for signs of his son and the moonshiners. Because of his delusions, locals started rumors that he was actually hoarding gold from previous prospect ventures out west. To this day, on warm sunny days, you can find people with trowls and metal detectors searching for his hidden treasure.

With that fun story out of the way, here are das pictures!





Loooooong Night

Eaaarly Morning

On the edge of the Outback Wall

Atop The Throne(don't even ask how tough it was to get Jezzie up there)

Nifty rock formation

Albino Rhino route on the Throne Proper

Gearing up!

Laura gettin some help

Pandora Chillin

Photogenic Miss Potter

Almost there?

Someone needs some help....

There it is!

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